Commercial and Industrial Projects

Commercial and Industrial Projects

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Commercial Rooftop Systems in India: Commercial Solar Panel Installation

99 times out of 100, commercial rooftops remain unutilized. Installing solar panels is the best way to use this space.

Installing a solar system on commercial rooftops means you won’t have to pay rates as high as ₹12, ₹14, or ₹16/unit any longer since solar energy is free after the successful installation of solar panels! It can reduce your electricity bills by more than 70%.

Greentech Energy is one of the leading commercial solar installers in the country. Our mission is to make solar adoption easier and reduce electricity costs for our customers.

Whether your rooftop is an RCC terrace or a metallic sheet roof, we install different types of commercial rooftop solar systems that’ll be apt for your roof.

Even if the rooftop space is limited, we offer both commercial rooftop solar systems with net-metering and captive power plants without net-metering to take care of all your energy requirements (even if those requirements are very high).

Installation requirements for commercial rooftops

At Greentech Energy , we take care of all the commercial rooftop solar panel installation requirements, right from the evaluation stage to installation.

A successful installation of solar systems on commercial rooftops has the following mandatory requirements:

  1. Roof inspection for strength: A commercial rooftop solar system easily imparts 15 kg/square meter of load on the roof. We ensure your roof is strong enough to not collapse under such a degree of load.
  2. Type of roof: If you have an RCC roof and would like to continue to utilize the area for other purposes, you require elevated hot-dip galvanized steel mounting structures. If you have a metallic sheet roof, you require aluminum rail structures that are light, sturdy, and corrosion-resistant.
  3. Slope, direction, and mounting angle: Solar panels provide the best generation when the roof slope faces southwards. The spot for the installation of commercial solar panels should ideally stay shadow-free between 9 AM and 4 PM. The ideal tilt angle for solar panel installation on commercial rooftops in South India is 10°. The ideal tilt angle increases as you move towards North India and should be above 20°.
  4. Easy access to the rooftop: There should be safe, direct access to the commercial rooftops so that installers can carry all the raw materials for solar panel installation safely. Post-installation, regular fortnightly maintenance also requires a safe passage.

How does the commercial rooftop system work?

A commercial solar system is a careful setup of many components. Each component plays a significant role in the conversion of solar energy into electricity in order to power commercial and industrial buildings.

  • An array of solar panels is installed on commercial rooftops at the most accurate angles.
  • The PV cells in the solar panels absorb sunlight and convert it into DC current.
  • The direct current (DC) is fed into the solar inverter and converted into alternating current (AC).

Finally, the supplied current powers up the commercial building in the following two ways:

  1. With net metering: The AC power is fed into a bi-directional net meter.
  2. Without net metering: The AC power generated is consumed within the building. It doesn’t require a bi-directional meter.

#1. Functioning of a commercial rooftop system with net metering:

A bi-directional net meter is required in this case.

  • Solar power generation is at its maximum capacity during the daytime from 11 AM to 2 PM. Once supplied to the meter, the excess power is exported to the DISCOM. The exported units, as measured by the net meter, are subtracted from your electricity bill.
  • During the evening and the subsequent hours, power is imported and used to keep the commercial building running even after the Sun has gone down.

#2. Functioning of solar systems without net metering (Captive Consumption) on commercial rooftops

A 1 kW commercial rooftop solar system that will always require 100 square feet of area for installation can generate 4 units daily, i.e, 120 units/month. The power consumption of a commercial building is much higher—probably hundreds and thousands of units are required each month.

Naturally, if the rooftop area is limited, the power generated will never exceed consumption. The electricity generated in such cases will always be consumed within the building. No bi-directional meter is needed in such cases since there’ll be no extra power left to be exported to the DISCOM. This is also known as behind-the-meter solar.

Benefits of Installing Solar Panels on Commercial Rooftops

Here are some interesting benefits of installing commercial solar systems with Greentech Energy, one of India’s leading commercial solar installation companies, at your discretion!

#1. You can save lakhs and crores of rupees every year

Solar energy doesn’t cost a penny. Yes, there’s an upfront installation cost. But, you still save huge chunks of money in the following ways:

  1. There’ll be a significant reduction in your electricity bill. That’s because most of your power needs will be met by solar energy from solar systems installed on commercial rooftops.
  2. If you install solar under the OPEX model, you’ll have to pay no more than 4 to 6 rupees/unit for the electricity generated from solar, compared to 12 to 14 rupees/unit that you pay to the DISCOM.
  3. You can save money in the form of income tax benefits by claiming accelerated depreciation of 40% per year on the cost of your commercial solar system.

Needless to say, it’s extremely beneficial to pay the commercial solar panel cost rather than paying for expensive electricity, as solar is a lifelong investment- the panels last for more than 25 years.

#2. You finally get to achieve the goal of reducing your carbon footprint

Going solar means the least emission of greenhouse houses. Thereby, you’re playing a significant part in:

  1. Reducing global warming.
  2. Protecting the planet.
  3. Reducing air pollution.
  4. Reducing the threat of dangerous respiratory and lung diseases.

#3. Satisfying the RPO obligations

Installing solar panels on commercial rooftops will also help you meet and satisfy your RPO obligations (Renewable Purchase Obligation).


  1. How efficient are commercial solar panels?

Solar commercial panels are extremely efficient. When arranged in an array, they can power up an entire commercial building single-handedly.

The number of panels you’ll need for your commercial building will depend on your daily electricity consumption. A solar installation expert will be able to give you the best idea about the number of panels that’ll be needed.

  1. What is the subsidy for commercial solar panels?

None. The government offers a subsidy only for residential solar installations.

  1. Why should my company invest in commercial solar?

The many benefits of commercial solar installation are as follows:

  • You’ll have to pay no more than 4 to 6 rupees per unit. It’s way less when compared to 12 to 14 rupees per unit that you pay to the DISCOM otherwise.
  • You can claim accelerated depreciation of 40% (instead of 5%) per year against the cost of your commercial solar system.
  • You’re playing a crucial role in reducing global warming.
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